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Brid O'Donovan
Former Senior Leader, AIB 

Gary’s vision and leadership philosophy, that works so well in the sports world, transfers seamlessly into a corporate environment. From day one Gary was in my corner pushing for the success of me and my team.  To Gary leadership success is much more than excelling in business deliverables it is about your impact as a leader, the belief you build and the environment you create that allows your team to excel.  Gary’s counsel and challenge supported me as I successfully delivered a cultural transformation programme for over 300 people and our national customer base that fundamentally changed the workplace and way we worked.  Gary helped me to create an environment where everyone had a voice, collaboration was second nature and creativity encouraged. The team were empowered to deliver and my role as leader was to coach and ensure that we were all working to one common purpose.  Gary has huge integrity and works hard to get to know you at an individual level, building a trusted partnership. It is through this trust and his natural empathy that Gary can challenge and bring out the true leader within you. Gary’s coaching encapsulates the whole person and he encouraged me to focus on fitness and mindset and to move outside my comfort zone in all spheres of my life. This has inspired me to take on new challenges in the last months and to seek new opportunities as an independent director, mediator, and advisory consultant. Sessions with Gary can be challenging and direct, but they always leave you excited, motivated, and inspired.   Any business leader or team would be lucky to have Gary in their corner, his passion and inspiration are contagious.

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